Islam is a religion that syumul (universal). Religion that covers all facets of life. There is not a problem whatsoever, in this life, which is not explained. And there is no single problem that does not touch the Islamic values, although the problem seems small and trivial. That is Islam, the religion which gives a mercy to all the worlds.
On the issue of marriage, Islam has been talking a lot. From the start how the criteria for prospective candidates seeking support life, to how to treat it becomes official when the liver conditioning. Islam led him. Similarly, Islam teaches how to create a festive wedding, but still get the blessings and does not violate the guidance of the Sunnah Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, as well as the wedding simple yet full of charm. Islam teaches.
Marriage is the path most bermanfa'at and most Afdhal in an effort to realize and maintain the honor, because with this marriage a person can wake himself from what is forbidden of God. That's why the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam encouraged to speed up marriage, easier way for him and eliminate obstacles-obstacles.
Marriage is the way that nature could complete biological upheavals in human beings, for the sake of lifting the noble ideals which then crosses syar'i of the married couple to produce offspring, to the prosperity of the earth with his role has become more lively.
Through this brief treatise. You are invited to learn and explore the Islamic marriage procedure that is so full of nuance great nan. You will be encouraged to abandon the traditions of the past filled with ceremonies and customs that prolonged and exhausting.
Should we wallow in arrogance and rebellion just because a marriage ..?Na'udzu billahi dzalik min.
Musta'an Allaah.
The issue of marriage was an issue that is always current and always interesting to talk about, because this issue is not only about nature and the livelihood of human rights but also to touch one of the sublime and the central institution of the household. Sublime, because this institution is a stronghold for the defense of human dignity and values ahlaq noble and central.
Because it is a central institution for the birth and growth of the Children of Adam, which will have a key role in realizing peace and prosperity on this earth. According to Islam Children of Adam was the one who received the honor to bear the divine mandate as caliph on earth, as the word of Allah, the Exalted.
"It means: Remember when thy Lord said unto the angels:" Verily, I will make a caliph in the earth. " They say: "Why do you want to make (caliph) on Earth that people who will make mischief therein and shed blood, but we always celebrate with praise You and sanctify You?. He said: "Verily, I know what ye know not." (Al-Baqarah: 30).
Marriage is not a minor issue and trivial, but it is an important and big issue. 'Aqad marriage (marriage) is as a solid and sacred covenant (MITSAAQON GHOLIIDHOO), as the word of Allah, the Exalted.
"It means: How are you going to take it back, even though some of you have been hanging out (mixed) with another as husband and wife and their (your wives) have taken from you a strong covenant." (An-Nisaa ': 21).
Therefore, it is hoped all parties involved in it, especially the husband and wife, maintain and guard it seriously and fully responsible jawab.Agama Islam has provided a complete and detailed instructions on the issue of marriage. Starting from the suggestion married, how to choose an ideal mate, do khitbah (proposal), how to educate children, and provide a way out if there is chaos in the household, until the process nafaqah and estate, all governed by Islam in detail and detail.
Furthermore, to understand the Islamic concept of marriage, then the referral of the most valid and correct are the Qur'an and Sunnah Sahih (in accordance with the understanding salafus Salih-pen). With this reference we will find clarity on aspects of marriage or some irregularities and shifts in the value of marriage that occurred in our society.
Of course not all problems can be authors showcased in this paper, only a few issues that need to be discussed is about: Human Fitrah, Goal Marriage in Islam, Marriage Procedures and Deviations in Marriage.MARRIAGE IS A HUMANITARIAN nature
Religion Islam is the religion fithrah, and man created by Allah Ta'ala match this nature, because it is Allaah commanded man exposes himself to the religion Disposition to prevent fraud and irregularities. So the man walked on the Disposition
Rabu, 25 Mei 2011
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahiwabarakatuh.
Islam adalah agama yang syumul (universal). Agama yang mencakup semua sisi kehidupan. Tidak ada suatu masalah pun, dalam kehidupan ini, yang tidak dijelaskan. Dan tidak ada satu pun masalah yang tidak disentuh nilai Islam, walau masalah tersebut nampak kecil dan sepele. Itulah Islam, agama yang memberi rahmat bagi sekalian alam.
Dalam masalah perkawinan, Islam telah berbicara banyak. Dari mulai bagaimana mencari kriteria bakal calon pendamping hidup, hingga bagaimana memperlakukannya kala resmi menjadi sang penyejuk hati. Islam menuntunnya. Begitu pula Islam mengajarkan bagaimana mewujudkan sebuah pesta pernikahan yang meriah, namun tetap mendapatkan berkah dan tidak melanggar tuntunan sunnah Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, begitu pula dengan pernikahan yang sederhana namun tetap penuh dengan pesona. Islam mengajarkannya.
Nikah merupakan jalan yang paling bermanfa’at dan paling afdhal dalam upaya merealisasikan dan menjaga kehormatan, karena dengan nikah inilah seseorang bisa terjaga dirinya dari apa yang diharamkan Allah. Oleh sebab itulah Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam mendorong untuk mempercepat nikah, mempermudah jalan untuknya dan memberantas kendala-kendalanya.
Nikah merupakan jalan fitrah yang bisa menuntaskan gejolak biologis dalam diri manusia, demi mengangkat cita-cita luhur yang kemudian dari persilangan syar’i tersebut sepasang suami istri dapat menghasilkan keturunan, hingga dengan perannya kemakmuran bumi ini menjadi semakin semarak.
Melalui risalah singkat ini. Anda diajak untuk bisa mempelajari dan menyelami tata cara perkawinan Islam yang begitu agung nan penuh nuansa. Anda akan diajak untuk meninggalkan tradisi-tradisi masa lalu yang penuh dengan upacara-upacara dan adat istiadat yang berkepanjangan dan melelahkan.
Mestikah kita bergelimang dengan kesombongan dan kedurhakaan hanya lantaran sebuah pernikahan ..?
Na’udzu billahi min dzalik.
Wallahu musta’an.
Persoalan perkawinan adalah persoalan yang selalu aktual dan selalu menarik untuk dibicarakan, karena persoalan ini bukan hanya menyangkut tabiat dan hajat hidup manusia yang asasi saja tetapi juga menyentuh suatu lembaga yang luhur dan sentral yaitu rumah tangga. Luhur, karena lembaga ini merupakan benteng bagi pertahanan martabat manusia dan nilai-nilai ahlaq yang luhur dan sentral.
Karena lembaga itu memang merupakan pusat bagi lahir dan tumbuhnya Bani Adam, yang kelak mempunyai peranan kunci dalam mewujudkan kedamaian dan kemakmuran di bumi ini. Menurut Islam Bani Adam lah yang memperoleh kehormatan untuk memikul amanah Ilahi sebagai khalifah di muka bumi, sebagaimana firman Allah Ta’ala.
Selanjutnya untuk memahami konsep Islam tentang perkawinan, maka rujukan yang paling sah dan benar adalah Al-Qur’an dan As-Sunnah Shahih (yang sesuai dengan pemahaman Salafus Shalih -pen). Dengan rujukan ini kita akan dapati kejelasan tentang aspek-aspek perkawinan maupun beberapa penyimpangan dan pergeseran nilai perkawinan yang terjadi di masyarakat kita.
Tentu saja tidak semua persoalan dapat penulis tuangkan dalam tulisan ini, hanya beberapa persoalan yang perlu dibahas yaitu tentang : Fitrah Manusia, Tujuan Perkawinan dalam Islam, Tata Cara Perkawinan dan Penyimpangan Dalam Perkawinan.
Agama Islam adalah agama fithrah, dan manusia diciptakan Allah Ta’ala cocok dengan fitrah ini, karena itu Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala menyuruh manusia menghadapkan diri ke agama fithrah agar tidak terjadi penyelewengan dan penyimpangan. Sehingga manusia berjalan di atas fithrahnya.
Islam adalah agama yang syumul (universal). Agama yang mencakup semua sisi kehidupan. Tidak ada suatu masalah pun, dalam kehidupan ini, yang tidak dijelaskan. Dan tidak ada satu pun masalah yang tidak disentuh nilai Islam, walau masalah tersebut nampak kecil dan sepele. Itulah Islam, agama yang memberi rahmat bagi sekalian alam.
Dalam masalah perkawinan, Islam telah berbicara banyak. Dari mulai bagaimana mencari kriteria bakal calon pendamping hidup, hingga bagaimana memperlakukannya kala resmi menjadi sang penyejuk hati. Islam menuntunnya. Begitu pula Islam mengajarkan bagaimana mewujudkan sebuah pesta pernikahan yang meriah, namun tetap mendapatkan berkah dan tidak melanggar tuntunan sunnah Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, begitu pula dengan pernikahan yang sederhana namun tetap penuh dengan pesona. Islam mengajarkannya.
Nikah merupakan jalan yang paling bermanfa’at dan paling afdhal dalam upaya merealisasikan dan menjaga kehormatan, karena dengan nikah inilah seseorang bisa terjaga dirinya dari apa yang diharamkan Allah. Oleh sebab itulah Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam mendorong untuk mempercepat nikah, mempermudah jalan untuknya dan memberantas kendala-kendalanya.
Nikah merupakan jalan fitrah yang bisa menuntaskan gejolak biologis dalam diri manusia, demi mengangkat cita-cita luhur yang kemudian dari persilangan syar’i tersebut sepasang suami istri dapat menghasilkan keturunan, hingga dengan perannya kemakmuran bumi ini menjadi semakin semarak.
Melalui risalah singkat ini. Anda diajak untuk bisa mempelajari dan menyelami tata cara perkawinan Islam yang begitu agung nan penuh nuansa. Anda akan diajak untuk meninggalkan tradisi-tradisi masa lalu yang penuh dengan upacara-upacara dan adat istiadat yang berkepanjangan dan melelahkan.
Mestikah kita bergelimang dengan kesombongan dan kedurhakaan hanya lantaran sebuah pernikahan ..?
Na’udzu billahi min dzalik.
Wallahu musta’an.
Persoalan perkawinan adalah persoalan yang selalu aktual dan selalu menarik untuk dibicarakan, karena persoalan ini bukan hanya menyangkut tabiat dan hajat hidup manusia yang asasi saja tetapi juga menyentuh suatu lembaga yang luhur dan sentral yaitu rumah tangga. Luhur, karena lembaga ini merupakan benteng bagi pertahanan martabat manusia dan nilai-nilai ahlaq yang luhur dan sentral.
Karena lembaga itu memang merupakan pusat bagi lahir dan tumbuhnya Bani Adam, yang kelak mempunyai peranan kunci dalam mewujudkan kedamaian dan kemakmuran di bumi ini. Menurut Islam Bani Adam lah yang memperoleh kehormatan untuk memikul amanah Ilahi sebagai khalifah di muka bumi, sebagaimana firman Allah Ta’ala.
- “Artinya : Ingatlah ketika Rabb-mu berfirman kepada para Malaikat : “Sesungguhnya Aku hendak menjadikan seorang khalifah di muka bumi”. Mereka berkata : “Mengapa Engkau hendak menjadikan (khalifah) di muka bumi itu orang yang akan membuat kerusakan padanya dan menumpahkan darah, padahal kami senantiasa bertasbih dengan memuji Engkau dan mensucikan Engkau ?. Allah berfirman : “Sesungguhnya Aku mengetahui apa yang tidak kamu ketahui”. (Al-Baqarah : 30).
- “Artinya : Bagaimana kamu akan mengambilnya kembali, padahal sebagian kamu telah bergaul (bercampur) dengan yang lain sebagai suami istri dan mereka (istri-istrimu) telah mengambil dari kamu perjanjian yang kuat”. (An-Nisaa’ : 21).
Selanjutnya untuk memahami konsep Islam tentang perkawinan, maka rujukan yang paling sah dan benar adalah Al-Qur’an dan As-Sunnah Shahih (yang sesuai dengan pemahaman Salafus Shalih -pen). Dengan rujukan ini kita akan dapati kejelasan tentang aspek-aspek perkawinan maupun beberapa penyimpangan dan pergeseran nilai perkawinan yang terjadi di masyarakat kita.
Tentu saja tidak semua persoalan dapat penulis tuangkan dalam tulisan ini, hanya beberapa persoalan yang perlu dibahas yaitu tentang : Fitrah Manusia, Tujuan Perkawinan dalam Islam, Tata Cara Perkawinan dan Penyimpangan Dalam Perkawinan.
Agama Islam adalah agama fithrah, dan manusia diciptakan Allah Ta’ala cocok dengan fitrah ini, karena itu Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala menyuruh manusia menghadapkan diri ke agama fithrah agar tidak terjadi penyelewengan dan penyimpangan. Sehingga manusia berjalan di atas fithrahnya.
The concept of Deity in Islam
The concept of Deity in Islam Once you read this, you can understand the following points: 1. Belief in Islamic philosophy.
Who is God? History of Human Thought About God. God According to the Religions of Revelation. Proof of God realization.
2. Faith and piety
Understanding Faith Being Faith The process of formation of Faith Signs Faithful Correlation Faith and piety
3. Implementation of Iman and Takwa in Modern Life.
Problems, Challenges and Risks of Modern Life. Iman and Taqwa Role in Responding to Problems and Challenges of Modern Life.
Technical Terms:
Mahdhah Worship: worship that have been specified kind, manner, time, and readings. Spiritualistis Islam: Feature / Islamic spirituality Islamic Character: The nature / nature / character of Islam. Theological mindset: the mindset regarding the science of the deity. Is eternal: eternal beings that formed without any beginning.
Learning Objective:
Max Muller explains differences in views, Andrew Lang, and Religion Revelation of monotheism. Think and act in accordance with the theological stream that can support the development of science and technology and increased work ethic. Proving the existence of God through scientific study, so as to strengthen faith. Behave properly in accordance with the principles in the process of faith formation Are properly in accordance with the principles in the process of faith formation. Implementing faith with worship and good deeds in daily life. Explain the role of faith and piety in the face of the challenges of modern life, so believe in the need for true believers and pious.
A. Preliminary Aspects of faith that will be studied in this paper is to aspects of psychiatric and value. This aspect has not received attention, such as attention to other aspects. Love of God, sincere charity only because God, as well as devoting diridan fully trust in Him, is the primacy of values to consider and refine diutamakandalam branches of faith. Indeed amalah outward form of worship and muamalah mahdhah will not reach perfection, but if based on and mixed with the value of these virtues. Because these values are always flowing in the hearts and written in every movement and behavior of everyday life. Modern education has affected students from different directions and its influence has been such that permeate the soul of future generations. If not good at fostering the soul of future generations, "with instilling the values of faith in reason, thought and reason them", then they will not survive the negative influence of modern education. Perhaps they feel something is missing in the spiritual side and try to improve from other sources. When this happens, it is necessary to immediately take action, to open the doors of spirituality that is not filled by other teachings which are not derived from the teachings of Islamic spirituality. A Muslim who plenary is a reason and his heart was shining, the views and her sharp intellect, reason, thought and conscience combined in interacting with God and with fellow human beings, so it is difficult to guess which one is first played soul honesty or truth minds. The nature of this perfection is the character of Islam, that religion is built upon the basic creed of purity and clarity of mind to form a theological mindset that resemble fields of exact sciences, because in terms of belief, Islam only accepts things that according to common sense measure may be accepted as a doctrine Aqeedah is correct and straight. Pillars of reason and rationality in Islamic theology is reflected in the rules Muamalat and in providing solutions and therapies for problems faced. In addition, Islam is a religion of worship. The doctrine of worship is based on the sanctity of heart that is filled with sincerity, love, and cleaned of encouragement lust, selfishness, and want to win their own attitudes. Religion is not a perfect person, if the warmth of spirituality that has not accompanied with scientific experience and acumen of reason.
Who is God? History of Human Thought About God. God According to the Religions of Revelation. Proof of God realization.
2. Faith and piety
Understanding Faith Being Faith The process of formation of Faith Signs Faithful Correlation Faith and piety
3. Implementation of Iman and Takwa in Modern Life.
Problems, Challenges and Risks of Modern Life. Iman and Taqwa Role in Responding to Problems and Challenges of Modern Life.
Technical Terms:
Mahdhah Worship: worship that have been specified kind, manner, time, and readings. Spiritualistis Islam: Feature / Islamic spirituality Islamic Character: The nature / nature / character of Islam. Theological mindset: the mindset regarding the science of the deity. Is eternal: eternal beings that formed without any beginning.
Learning Objective:
Max Muller explains differences in views, Andrew Lang, and Religion Revelation of monotheism. Think and act in accordance with the theological stream that can support the development of science and technology and increased work ethic. Proving the existence of God through scientific study, so as to strengthen faith. Behave properly in accordance with the principles in the process of faith formation Are properly in accordance with the principles in the process of faith formation. Implementing faith with worship and good deeds in daily life. Explain the role of faith and piety in the face of the challenges of modern life, so believe in the need for true believers and pious.
A. Preliminary Aspects of faith that will be studied in this paper is to aspects of psychiatric and value. This aspect has not received attention, such as attention to other aspects. Love of God, sincere charity only because God, as well as devoting diridan fully trust in Him, is the primacy of values to consider and refine diutamakandalam branches of faith. Indeed amalah outward form of worship and muamalah mahdhah will not reach perfection, but if based on and mixed with the value of these virtues. Because these values are always flowing in the hearts and written in every movement and behavior of everyday life. Modern education has affected students from different directions and its influence has been such that permeate the soul of future generations. If not good at fostering the soul of future generations, "with instilling the values of faith in reason, thought and reason them", then they will not survive the negative influence of modern education. Perhaps they feel something is missing in the spiritual side and try to improve from other sources. When this happens, it is necessary to immediately take action, to open the doors of spirituality that is not filled by other teachings which are not derived from the teachings of Islamic spirituality. A Muslim who plenary is a reason and his heart was shining, the views and her sharp intellect, reason, thought and conscience combined in interacting with God and with fellow human beings, so it is difficult to guess which one is first played soul honesty or truth minds. The nature of this perfection is the character of Islam, that religion is built upon the basic creed of purity and clarity of mind to form a theological mindset that resemble fields of exact sciences, because in terms of belief, Islam only accepts things that according to common sense measure may be accepted as a doctrine Aqeedah is correct and straight. Pillars of reason and rationality in Islamic theology is reflected in the rules Muamalat and in providing solutions and therapies for problems faced. In addition, Islam is a religion of worship. The doctrine of worship is based on the sanctity of heart that is filled with sincerity, love, and cleaned of encouragement lust, selfishness, and want to win their own attitudes. Religion is not a perfect person, if the warmth of spirituality that has not accompanied with scientific experience and acumen of reason.
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